2021 Graphic Design Trend Predictions

2021 Graphic Design Trend Predictions

I know were already a bit into 2021, but we’ve still got 360 days to see if these trend predictions play out. In no way, that I know of, does the AIGA or Pantone support these trend predictions. They’re solely based on my own observations of the world around me.

What I love about recognizing trends is that there are always subtle ways that you can implement them into your visual branding to bring it vitality and freshness. This is especially crucial if your business banks on customers who will want whatever is hot.

And if you have any additions to make, I’d love to hear about them in the comments!

  1. Chunky Display Fonts

    Maybe this is a rebellion against the sleek sans serifs we’ve been seeing over the last few years, but there’s been push towards unique typefaces over the last year or so and I think we’ll only see this trend continue. My Cooper Black loving self is here for it!

  2. Wavy Type Treatments

    What can I say? I’ve noticed this around town and in emails from companies who are always forecasting what’s coming. Not to mention, Pinterest has filled my feed. I definitely don’t recommend the look for logos because you want it to be easily readable from the street, but sub-marks: yes, please!

  3. Monspaced fonts + Dramatically Justified Paragraphs

    I can’t help but think that Instagram brought back a love for monospaced fonts. They definitely have a Gen Z vibe, but I think they’re unique and fun and add it consistently. Along with the IG theme, I started noticing several in vogue designers have set type dramatically justified. It’s hard to read, but it is funky.

  1. “Off-Primary” Colors

    This is my term, I think. What I mean by this is that, take a stroll around Target and you’ll see basic blues, reds, and yellows, maybe a muted or a few shades away. Pantone has been throwing it back to the basics, too, with last year’s Classic Blue and this year’s Illuminating.

  2. Gradients

    Everywhere, these are everywhere. From Starbuck’s Christmas coffee bags with season to FAO Schwartz’s package. I believe we will see this absolutely everywhere in 2021 and have a few ideas of how I’m going to fold it into Kayla Phillips Design’s visual branding for the coming year and beyond.

  3. Film Photography Vibes

    Months ago I noticed that Madewell started using this imagery in their sponsored ads. I dig it. Later in the year, I began working with a photographer who is ALWAYS ahead of the times. She’s gravitated towards the moody, shadowy-ness of this trend, shooting exclusively with film.

If you made it this far, thanks for sticking around! I hope you enjoyed my hot takes 2021 graphic design trend predictions. Implementing just one of these trends until your business’s visual branding will freshen up your look, begging people to take notice of you.

Not sure where to start? Feel free to reach out. It’d love to give you my two cents or help get your branding to the next level.


Kayla Phillips Design is a client-centric studio that takes the guesswork out of executing graphic design and marketing projects.